Dog Parks
Currently Closed for Winter - Reopening

Where Tails Wag and Hearts Sway.
Does your dog love to play with other canines? Are you looking for a place to let your furry friend burn off some energy? Bring your fuzzy buddy to the dog parks at Reber Ranch and Pet Central! We have two beautiful outdoor dog parks that are free to use. We are located in Kent, WA – nearby the Auburn, Renton, Covington, Federal Way and Black Diamond areas!

Dog Park rules:
- Owners are responsible and liable for the actions and behavior of their dogs at all times.
- Please keep your dog leashed until you are inside the Dog Parks and the gates are closed. When leaving the Dog Parks, leash your dog before opening the gates.
- All Dogs must be accompanied by their owners/custodians while the dog is inside our Dog Parks at all times.
- Only dogs are allowed on the play equipment. Please keep children off the play equipment.
- Children under 12 years old are not allowed in the Dog Parks unless accompanied by their legal guardian.
- No aggressive dogs allowed in the Dog Parks. If your dog becomes unruly or plays too rough, please leash the dog, and remove them from the Dog Parks.
- Please pick up after your dog, scoop the poop and dispose of it in a provided cleaning station.
- Use of alcohol or tobacco is strictly prohibited and is not allowed in our Dog Parks at any time.
- Reber Ranch Inc. accepts no responsibility for injury or loss while using our Dog Parks. Reber Ranch Inc. reserves the right to refuse use of our Dog Parks to any individual or dog.
Dog park hours are the same as the retail store.
Do you have a question we didn’t answer here? Feel free to email us with questions or comments at