About Our Hay Deliveries

Truck Delivery

Need hay, feed, or other bulk items but don’t have a way to haul it? We deliver. Let us do the work for you. Items available for delivery include: hay, feed, stove pellets, bulk dog food, and stock tanks. If you have other items you needed us to deliver, give us a call at (253) 630-3330.

When ordering hay delivery, you can add on any pallet of feed or bedding with no impact to your delivery cost! Up to one ton of feed or bedding with your hay order will not incur additional delivery fees.

Order Delivery
Delivery Size Base Charge Mileage Fee Elevator Fee
10-20 Bales/1 Ton $60.00 $2.00/Mile $40
20-40 Bales/1-2 Tons $80.00 $2.00/Mile $40
40-60 Bales/2-3 Tons $100.00 $2.00/Mile Free
60-80 Bales/3-4 Tons $120.00 $2.00/Mile Free
80-100 Bales/4-5 Tons $150.00 $2.00/Mile Free
100+ Bales/5+ Tons $30.00/Ton (20 Bales) $3.00/Mile Free

Minimum 10 bale/half ton delivery. Deliveries above 100 bales require multiple trucks, increasing our per mile delivery fee to $3 per mile. When ordering under 100 bales, if your delivery location requires multiple smaller delivery trucks to offload, our per mile delivery fee also increases to $3 per mile.

Forklift Unload – Pallet Drop Service

20 Bale Minimum

We have a new offering to help save you $$. Reber Ranch will drop 10 bales of hay on a pallet for a fee of $10 per pallet, plus milage. Your property must have the space for our large truck and piggyback forklift to fit. For this service our driver will not hand stack any bales or bags.